Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Andy turns 36...

My baby's B-Day is tomorrow! If you know me,then you know how much I love to celebrate birthdays and pretty much any event possible! When Andy comes home and sees his B-Day decor he will for sure look at me like I'm crazy for making such a big deal...I him after all, he is only turning 36...not 21,30, or 40....

You see, Andy doesn't need all of this...nor does he expect it...but it's more than that to me! I am so thankful to God for an amazing husband and best friend. Coming from a family where my mother passed away in her 40s makes me thankful for each birthday I have with Andy. I mean we will hopefully have many celebrations together but you truly never know when your last day here on earth will be....only the Lord knows that.

So to me each year with Andy is a gift and celebration! Every year I will overdecorate and make lots of yummy food! After is a gift...and I thank God for that!

Sorry're stuck with me and my obsession of making even the smallest event a big deal!

I love you! Happy 36th Birthday!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren, I was just telling Andy how lucky he is to have found you! You are such a sweet and caring individual - I hope you keep overdecorating for the rest of your life!! Hugs to you!