Saturday, February 12, 2011

All things heart related

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

*Snow *Sick *Friends *Taxes

Snow-We have had the most snow I have ever seen in St. Louis and to tell you the truth, I have loved EVERY minute of it! This past week Andy and I were able to be at home which we were thankful for. My quote by the end of the week was "Wow Andy, I must really love you becuase we have spent 3 straight days inside together and I don't even want to kill you" Ha! Seriously though..we loved hanging out and enjoying God' creation!

Sick-I of course recently commented to myself about how I have not been sick all year. Well, this week took a toll on me! I am so thankful to be feeling better! I gave in and went to the doctor and got some meds! Praise be to the Lord!

Friends-We have had so much fun the past couple of weekends! Last weekend we spent with our friends Bryan, Jess, and their dog-Mosby. We went to the movies,ate good food, had girl time (While the boys went to a sushi class) and even got to see our friend Ash the next day for dinner!

Taxes-I got bored today so I decided to try doing our own taxes online. Typically we have had an awesome friend do ours but it ended up working out great! Thanks Turbo Tax online! You were so easy!

Well, that's all for now! Nothing too exciting really! Andy and I are excited to go on our Valentines camping trip next weekend! Pics to come...